Total alkalinity

Total alkalinity represents the waters buffer capacity to resist changes to the pH level.

Total alkalinity (TA) Total alkalinity is a measure of the amount of alkaline substances in the water. The guideline for total alkalinity (TA) is approx. 60 – 120 ppm.

Guidelines total alkalinity

Total alkalinity

Min (mg/l): 60 ppm
Max (mg/l): 120 ppm
Tested: 1 time/month



A low TA makes the water aggressive and the result can be one or more of the following::

  • Rapid pH fluctuations
  • Aggressive pool water, for both humans and pool parts
  • Red eyes
  • Skin irritations


Total alkalinity (TA) is increased with sodium bicarbonate. The TA value is a process that should not be accelerated. Add small amounts sodium bicarbonate every four days until the correct TA and pH value has been reached.





A high TA makes the pH difficult to adjust and the result can be one or more of the following:

  • pH value difficult to adjust
  • Cloudy, murky water
  • Lime precipitation
  • Red eyes
  • Skin irritations


Total alkalinity (TA) is reduced with sodium bisulphate (pH-minus). To reduce the TA is a long process and can take several weeks. Add small amounts sodium bisulphate every four days until the correct TA and pH value has been reached.


Contact your pool supplier if the problems continue.