Pahlén environmental policy

Pahlén AB produces and offers cost-effective and suitable products of high quality that are safe for the consumer and the environment. This is further made possible by the fact that pro-environmental work is conducted in accordance with an over-riding approach that takes account of the human being and society as a whole and that includes activities for technical development, continuous improvements and resource efficiency.


Over-riding approach

In order to minimize the consumption of natural resources and energy and to generate the minimum possible amount of refuse, we shall:

  • Take the entire life cycle into consideration
  • Regard relevant laws and regulations in environmental legislation and other regulations as minimum requirements and surpass both these and customer´s requirements and expectations
  • Encourage suppliers, customers and other partners to adopt our view of environmental issues


Technical development

We shall understand customers’ and society’s current and future needs, meet their requirements and aim to exceed their expectations by:

  • Consistently aiming to ensure that our products and choice of material are innovative
  • Continuously updating existing products
  • Reducing and avoiding environmentally hazardous materials


Continuous improvements

Our environmental approach shall be integrated into all activities and improved by:

  • Setting up, informing, measuring and following up defined goals
  • Involving all the personnel


Resource efficiency

By taking the entire lifecycle into consideration, our products and manufacturing processes will:

  • Consume a minimum of raw material and energy
  • Generate the minimum possible amount of refuse and simplify refuse handling. The company´s management and the executive management group are responsible for ensuring that information about all the activities described in this policy is conveyed to all concerned, that the relevant policies are actually implemented and that the results are presented in a transparent way