Pahlén becomes the new main sponsor of Swedish Swimming Federation

Pahlén becomes the new main sponsor of Swedish Swimming Federation as from 1 April 2021. In addition to visibility and activities related to national and international competitions, the four-year agreement includes supporting elite activities, projects on swimming skills, exercise and health, and is the most comprehensive partnership ever.


“The connection to our sport is obvious, and Pahlén can help us achieve our vision of ” a world-class Swedish Swimming Federation, in a Sweden where everyone can swim”. Their products also contribute to increased water awareness and swimming skills among the general public. Pahlén gives us a long-term partner able to provide even better support for our swimming sports and swimmers,” says Mikael Jansson, Head of Swedish Swimming Federation.


“We are happy and proud to collaborate with Swedish Swimming. Their activities promote many positive values, and are fully in line with our business. We are both linked to water, with a common desire to become a world leader in our respective areas. As the main sponsor of Swedish Swimming Federation, we want to contribute to the continued success of national team swimmers while also being interested in supporting projects on the important issue of swimming skills,” says Anders Svensson, CEO of Pahlén.


“We want to support better swimming skills, save lives and promote a bathing culture where so many as possible have access to water and swimming, for increased health and well-being. Swedish Swimming Federation actively supports this in its commitment to swimming sport and skills, and Pahlén has the products to create a first-class environment for the same, which is why this partnership feels like a natural fit for us,” says Hans Tiveus, Chairman of the Board at Pahlén.

Sponsorship Sarah Sjöström

As the main sponsor of Swedish Swimming Federation we have now linked Sarah Sjöström to our sponsor team. Sarah Sjöström is ranked as the world’s best swimmer with 89 international medals and 4 world records (2022). Sarah has also won the Jerring Prize, the Victoria Prize and Svenska Dagbladet’s Bragdguld.

During the 2024 Paris Olympics, Sarah will make her 5th Olympics, where she will swim the 50m freestyle.